Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bit o' photography

I've been really interested in photography these last few weeks, and have been trying to take pictures of anything in the house that looks interesting to me. I'm still in the learning stages, but here's what I have so far:

Cheers, Karen

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Being a pure-bred  rock & roll fan, I've never really had too much respect for popular music. I don't like it, I don't like what it stands for. But today, as I was doing shopping for the house that bloody irritating Beautiful Girls song by Sean Kingston started playing on the radio and something quite special happened. While walking through the aisles I walked past at least six total strangers (employees, customers) singing along to the chorus. I realized, right then, the power that a good pop song actually has over us. These people were brought together in some minor way by this song that was played over the radio.

I still don't have much love for the pop music industry, but this little moment in Pick 'n Pay made me look at pop in a very different way.

Love, Karen